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namespace phpmock\environment;
use phpmock\MockBuilder;
use phpmock\functions\FixedDateFunction;
use phpmock\functions\FixedMicrotimeFunction;
use phpmock\functions\SleepFunction;
use phpmock\functions\UsleepFunction;
* Builds a sleep(), usleep(), date(), time() and microtime() mock environment.
* In this environment sleep() and usleep() don't sleep for real. Instead
* they return immediatly and increase the amount of time in the mocks for
* date(), time() and microtime().
* Example:
* <code>
* namespace foo;
* use phpmock\environment\SleepEnvironmentBuilder;
* $builder = new SleepEnvironmentBuilder();
* $builder->addNamespace(__NAMESPACE__)
* ->setTimestamp(1417011228);
* $environment = $builder->build();
* $environment->enable();
* // This won't delay the test for 10 seconds, but increase time().
* sleep(10);
* assert(1417011228 + 10 == time());
* // Now revert the effect so that sleep() and time() are not mocked anymore.
* $environment->disable();
* </code>
* @author Markus Malkusch <markus@malkusch.de>
* @link bitcoin:1335STSwu9hST4vcMRppEPgENMHD2r1REK Donations
* @license http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/ WTFPL
class SleepEnvironmentBuilder
* @var array The namespaces for the mock environment.
private $namespaces;
* @var mixed the timestamp.
private $timestamp;
* Add a namespace for the mock environment.
* @param string $namespace A namespace for the mock environment.
* @return SleepEnvironmentBuilder
public function addNamespace($namespace)
$this->namespaces[] = $namespace;
return $this;
* Sets the mocked timestamp.
* If not set the mock will use the current time at creation time.
* The timestamp can be an int, a float with microseconds or a string
* in the microtime() format.
* @param mixed $timestamp The timestamp.
* @return SleepEnvironmentBuilder
public function setTimestamp($timestamp)
$this->timestamp = $timestamp;
return $this;
* Builds a sleep(), usleep(), date(), time() and microtime() mock environment.
* @return MockEnvironment
public function build()
$environment = new MockEnvironment();
$builder = new MockBuilder();
$incrementables = [];
foreach ($this->namespaces as $namespace) {
// microtime() mock
$microtime = new FixedMicrotimeFunction($this->timestamp);
// time() mock
->setFunction([$microtime, "getTime"]);
// date() mock
$date = new FixedDateFunction($this->timestamp);
$incrementables[] = $microtime;
$incrementables[] = $date;
// Need a complete list of $incrementables.
foreach ($this->namespaces as $namespace) {
// sleep() mock
->setFunctionProvider(new SleepFunction($incrementables));
// usleep() mock
->setFunctionProvider(new UsleepFunction($incrementables));
return $environment;